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Tammy Domanski, Ph.D.

Two hands holding a horseshoe crab in water
Professor of Biology 
Director of Environmental Center 
School of Science, Technology and Education 


Doctor of Philosophy 
Molecular and Cellular Biology 
University of Maryland, Baltimore County 

Bachelor of Science 
State University of New York at Fredonia 

A Little More 

If you’re interested in hands-on research that has real local impact, you may want to consider working with Tammy Domanski. The director of AACC’s Environmental Center leads studies on water quality. Every summer, she works with students from AACC and other area colleges to monitor the quality of water in the area. The work helps inform local communities about the safety of their beaches and the effectiveness of water restoration projects. 

If you’re more interested in studying the creatures that live in the water, Domanski and her students also are studying a population of horseshoe crabs in the college’s Health and Life Sciences Building. 

“We're raising them and learning about a number of their behaviors that will teach us more about how they have survived with few changes for hundreds of millions of years,” she said.  

Domanski teaches a number of biology lab classes at AACC and is passionate about science and teaching students good lab techniques. She’s inspired by her students’ resiliency in the face of the many challenges they often face. 

“Students don't always get the expected results,” she said. “When I see students work through the troubleshooting process and really put effort into figuring out what went wrong, I know they are hooked on science. That curiosity, even when things aren't going well, is what really drives scientific discoveries.” 


We’re happy to help.

School of Science, Technology and Education

Lance Bowen, Ph.D., dean


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